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LIHHS supporting Creaky Yoga

To our donors and supporters of LIHHS and Creaky Yoga:

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Thanks to your unwavering support of our mission and vision, Lopez Island Home and Hospice Support (LIHHS) has been able to make a significant donation to Creaky Yoga at a time when they are encountering some financial challenges.

This donation will signal the return of our “Living Well on Lopez” series, with more information to follow soon!
Creaky Yoga has been making “living well on Lopez” a reality for all who participate in their classes for over 22 years! This donation reflects not only our commitment to supporting causes we deeply believe in, but also the power of our collaborative efforts in helping our aging population stay a healthy and vibrant part of our community. We are aligned in this very significant effort.

Our sincere thanks to Creaky Yoga for taking this journey with us, as we explore ways to provide care and support to our shared community.

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