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Frequently Asked Questions About the Road Levy

SAN JUAN COUNTY, WA. October 10, 2022 - San Juan County publishes answers to frequently asked Road Levy questions. November's ballots will include Resolution No. 20-2022 - a proposition to increase the county road levy from $0.56 to $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed value. The $0.44 increase will be used to maintain roads and marine facilities, repair storm damage, and enhance roads for pedestrians and cyclists.

Q: When will the levy be on the ballot?

A: The road levy will be included on the ballot for the November 8 general election. The ballot measure requires a simple majority (50% plus one) to be approved by the voters.

Q: Is this a new tax?

A: This is a tax increase and is referred to as a “levy lid lift.” This levy lid lift proposes to increase the road levy from $0.56 to $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed value. This is a $0.44 increase.

Q: What will this cost me?

A: The road levy is a property tax that is assessed upon real property owners located in the unincorporated areas of San Juan County. For example, if your assessed value were $850,000, an increase of $0.44 per $1,000 of assessed value equates to a $374 increase in your property tax.

Q: How much money will this generate?

A: The levy is expected to generate an additional $4 million in revenues for the road fund every year.

Q: When will I pay it?

A: If passed, this amount will be added to property tax bills beginning in 2023.

Q: What will this money be used for?

A: Road levy funds are constitutionally protected in the State of Washington and can only be spent to support county road purposes. Revenues generated by this levy will support repairs and replacements of failing culverts, updates to marine facilities, and widening of shoulders for multi-modal transportation.

Q: What else does the County spend road levy funds on?

A: The County is responsible for over 270 miles of public roads, thousands of culverts, numerous marine facilities, bridges, trails, and other transportation related facilities located on seven different islands. Road funds support public and private business and their workers in the maintenance and improvement of these essential public facilities.

Q: What will happen if the levy fails?

A: If the majority of voters do not approve the levy lid lift, the County would need to strategically plan for level of service reductions to minimize the impact to our community. Considerations for level of service reductions require the County to establish limits of ordinary maintenance equal to what the citizens of San Juan County are willing to afford. After reductions in capital improvement programs, level of service reductions commonly include designating segments of County roads as “unmaintained public roads."

Q: What can I do as a resident/voter?

A: You are strongly encouraged to get out and vote on November 8. San Juan County relies on the support of its residents to keep all services running including Police, Fire/EMS, roads, parks, and more. If you have any questions about this levy, please email roadlevy2022@sanjuanco.com.

Looking for more? Visit: https://www.sanjuanco.com/1918/Roads-Levy-2022


SubjectFrequently Asked Questions About the Road Levy
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