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The Weekly Covid Update

Current case count is now 1640. The following represents active confirmed or probable cases reported across the islands.

LOPEZ ISLAND: There are 2 active cases.

ORCAS ISLAND: There are 20 active cases.

SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are 34 active cases.

Note that these numbers do not include suspect cases (e.g., positive over-the-counter tests). Even though suspect cases are not reportable by State guidelines, they do provide a more complete picture of infection rates in our County. There are almost as many suspect cases that we know about this week as confirmed or probable cases.

We are continuing to work several outbreaks in the County.

Even though case counts decreased slightly this week, please remain cautious when thinking about interacting with anyone outside your household. We urge you to continue using the best practices outlined below to limit your personal risk and prevent community spread.

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