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August 6, 2024, Primary Election: Vote! Sign! Send!
Jul 22, 2024
By San Juan County
The August 6, 2024 Primary includes races for Governor, Lt. Governor, State Senator, State Representative, United States Senator, United States Representative, and other local offices including two County Council positions.
SAN JUAN COUNTY, WA. July 22, 2024 - All registered San Juan County voters will receive a ballot for the 2024 Primary Election.

The August 6, 2024 Primary includes races for Governor, Lt. Governor, State Senator, State Representative, additional Washington State government offices, United States Senator, United States Representative, and other local offices including two County Council positions. Ballot measures for the San Juan Island Library and Lopez Island School District are also before voters. The top two vote getters in each primary race will move on to the November 5 General Election ballot.

It’s not too late to take part! You can register to vote online or by mail up until July 29. After that, you can register to vote in-person at a county election office up until 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Voters may return their ballots to county drop boxes or by mail for free using the prepaid envelopes included with each ballot. Ballots must be mailed and postmarked by August 6 or placed in a Washington State drop box or voting center by 8 p.m. that day.


July 17: Ballots mailed to registered voters
July 29: Deadline to receive new registrations and voter updates online and by mail
August 6: Primary Election Date
August 20: Certification

How do I register to vote in Washington?

It's easy and secure to register online, by mail with a paper form, or at the county elections office. Check your registration at VoteWA.gov.

To register to vote in the state of Washington, you must be:

A citizen of the United States
A legal resident of Washington state
At least 18 years old
If you are 16 or 17, you can sign up as a Future Voter and be automatically registered to vote when you qualify
Not disqualified from voting due to a court order
Not currently serving a sentence of total confinement in prison under the jurisdiction of the department of corrections for a Washington felony conviction
Not currently incarcerated for a federal or out-of-state felony conviction
What if I miss the deadline to register online or by mail?

Washington offers same day registration services through election day. 8-days prior to the election you must register (or update) in-person at the Elections Office in Friday Harbor.

Important notes:

Ballots have pre-paid postage and must be postmarked by August 6 or returned to any ballot drop boxes in Washington State by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Ballot box drop-off locations in San Juan County can be found here.
You can check the status of your mail-in ballot by logging into VoteWA.gov
Voting by Mail FAQ

If mailed, the USPS recommends that you mail a week before Election Day. If mailing on election day have the post office hand stamp your ballot. San Juan County’s mail is delivered to Seattle and then processed the following day.

For more information about San Juan County Elections, visit www.sanjuancountywa.gov/elections or email at [email protected].
