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BLM approves management plan for San Juan Islands National Monument
Jan 31, 2023
By San Juan Islands National Monument
The Bureau of Land Management announced today that the San Juan Islands National Monument Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Record of Decision (ROD) is available.
It may be reviewed on their ePlanning site establishing their long-term management goals for the area.

The BLM’s objectives for the monument include protecting and restoring historic and cultural resources, coordinating the management of these lands with Coast Salish tribes, government agencies, and partner organizations, and providing the public with sustainable outdoor recreation opportunities. This new management direction applies to the approximately 1,000 acres of BLM-administered public lands that make up the national monument.

“While a relatively small area, San Juan Islands National Monument includes landscapes of great beauty, as well as sensitive cultural and ecological resources,” said Kurt Pindel, BLM Spokane District Manager. “We are honored to be stewards of these lands as we implement strategies to conserve and protect the lands for the benefit of future generations.

The approved plan includes modifications to the proposed RMP. These changes reflect input from the Washington State Office of the Governor, consulting tribes, local partner organizations, the public, and the San Juan Islands National Monument Advisory Committee.

“The BLM prepared this document in consultation with Coast Salish tribal governments, in coordination with other federal, state, and local cooperating agencies, and with an impressive level of input from the public,” said Brie Chartier, Monument Manager. “We are excited to move forward with the implementation of the RMP with continued engagement and collaboration from the public and our partners including the Coast Salish Tribes.


The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land located primarily in 12 western states, including Alaska, on behalf of the American people. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. Our mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.

Media Contact: Jeff Clark (509) 536-1297
Monument Manager: Brie Chartier (509) 220 5976 [email protected]


There is the formal BLM press release. I want to add my heartfelt thanks to you.

Monuments are not landscapes. They are the passion and deep connection that people have with the landscapes. Without the countless hours of advocacy, volunteerism, and expressed ideals of protection and hope for the future, the monument would not be here. I wake up every morning in awe of the monument's reality. It was an island Shangri-La made real by you- the stewards of San Juan Islands National Monument. ~Brie

p.s. The office on Lopez is usually closed.
Preview copies of the plan are available online and at the Lopez library. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

p.p.s. The Federal Register notice includes a summary of changes between the draft and approved plans.


The approved RMP includes allowable and prohibited use decisions that the BLM believes will protect the cultural and ecological values for which the SJINM was designated, while also maintaining the recreational activities that inspired the public to advocate for the designation of the SJINM. Recreational opportunities under the approved RMP include hiking, hunting, designated site camping, trail-based equestrian use, and road-based equestrian and bicycling use. Based on current visitor use patterns and input provided on the draft and proposed RMPs, the approved RMP's restrictions on dispersed camping, target shooting, and access to rocks are not expected to substantially impact any ongoing recreational activities taking place within the monument.