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Weekly Case Update: No New Cases on Lopez Island

Of these 3 new cases, initial investigations indicate that 2 appear to have occurred in fully vaccinated individuals.

LOPEZ ISLAND: There are 0 new cases on Lopez Island since the last update. There are 3 positive cases under active monitoring on Lopez Island.

ORCAS ISLAND: There is 1 new case on Orcas Island since the last update. There are 1 positive cases under active monitoring on Orcas Island.

SAN JUAN ISLAND: There are 2 new cases on San Juan Island since the last update. There are 2 positive cases under active monitoring on San Juan Island.

THIRD DOSE BOOSTERS! Appointments are now open for third dose Pfizer boosters for some eligible islanders. Review this FAQ to check eligibility. If eligible, go HERE to register for clinics that are happening the week of October 18th.

FLU SHOTS! The County will be hosting free flu vaccine clinics. Go HERE for details on timing and to register.

SubjectWeekly Case Update: No New Cases on Lopez Island
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