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KLOI - Mark Judkins Helpsmeet - Song of Soul

Song of the Soul - Lopez Edition

These radio programs are prepared by Mark Judkins Helpmeet under the care of the Eau Claire Quakers and sponsored for KLOI by the Lopez Island Quaker Group. 'Song of Soul' invites you to a soul-level encounter. Music has the ability to proclaim the soul's language beyond what mere words can speak. Some guests are musicians, perhaps sharing their own music, but most guests are simply sharing the music they've been impacted by, written, and performed by others.

This Week: Si Kahn's 80th: Part 2 with John McCutcheon & Cathy Fink
Part 2 of a birthday celebration for Si Kahn on his 80th birthday, this week with John McCutcheon and Cathy Fink, sharing streams of music and meaning that flow from Si Kahn. Please consider donating to the Si Kahn Living Legacy on GoFundMe, to help gather and preserve the musical riches that Si has so prolifically generated. Both John and Cathy have half-century connections with Si, rich stories, and evocative music. Also check out the recording of the 2 hour birthday celebration for Si that John hosted with 12 performers.

SubjectKLOI - Mark Judkins Helpsmeet - Song of Soul
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