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San Juan County Arts Council

Our Mission and Vision articulate our goals and aspirations but in a more accessible sense, we want to see San Juan County and the San Juan Islands become an “arts destination” for everyone. We believe that the richness of artistic expression can help create a sustainable economy, and we seek to give our citizens additional rewarding possibilities while giving our visitors an unforgettable experience. The natural beauty of the islands is an environment that can bring out the best in the human spirit and its expression in artistic form is something that we want to blossom and share with others.

In a very practical sense we seek to be an “umbrella” arts organization serving the needs of our community, our artists and and our existing artistic groups in order to create better communication, outreach and inspiration. We feel that art and environment are a natural marriage that we want to encourage, support and share. To that end, we seek to inspire artistic imagination in our youth, celebrate the rich cultural heritage and artistic diversity of our community, and expand the arts of the archipelago for all islanders and visitors.

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